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USA - Infantry

Marine- Basic soldier
Weapon: M16
Cost: 100
Requires: Barracks
Special: Built two at a time, Capture buildings
LAW Soldier- Anti-tank soldier
Weapon: LAW + M16
Cost: 200
Requires: Barracks
Special: None
Grenadier - Anti- personnel soldier
Weapon: M79
Cost: 200
Requires: Barracks + Helipad
Special: Capture buildings, Clears garasoned buildings
Machine Gunner- Squad support soldier
Weapon: M60
Cost: 300
Requires: Barracks + Helipad
Special: Deploys for more accuracy
Combat Medic - Medical soldier
Weapon: M16
Cost: 300
Requires: Barracks
Special: Heals infantry, Revives dead infantry
Marine Force Recon - Reconnaissance soldier
Weapon: M16
Cost: 400
Requires: Barracks + Field Ops + General's Promo
Special: Camoflage, Radio-in artillery, Radio-in Air Strike
Marine Sniper - Sharpshooter
Weapon: M21
Cost: 400
Requires: Barracks + Field Ops + General's Promo
Special: Camoflage, Lays down to increase range, Can Hide up in Trees
Green Beret- Special soldier
Weapon: XM177, 203 mm Grenade Launcher Attachment, Claymore Mine
Cost: 500
Requires: Barracks + Field Ops
Special: Remote det. Claymore, Camoflage , Can clear garasoned buildings with Grenade Launcher
Captain - Experienced officer
Weapon: M1911
Cost: 300
Requires: Barracks + Field Ops + General's Promo
Special: Upgrades units

Weapon: None
Cost: N/A
Requires: An Air Craft Being Shot Down
Special: Transfers Experience to Other Air Craft



  USA - Vehicles
MUTT - Fast attack vehicle
Weapon: TOW
Cost: 400
Requires: Vehicle Factory
Special: Tows artillery
    M102- Towable artillery
Weapon: 105mm howitzer
Cost: 300
Requires: Vehicle Factory
Special: Towed by MUTT
    M113 - Armored personal carrier
Weapon: MG
Cost: 600
Requires: Vehicle Factory
Special: Holds 6 infantry, Amphibious
    M67 Flametank- Flame tank
Weapon: Flame cannon
Cost: 1000
Requires: Vehicle Factory + General's Promo
Special: Crush trees
    M48 Patton- Tank
Weapon: Tank cannon, Mounted Machine Gun
Cost: 1200
Requires: Vehicle Factory
Special: Crush trees
    M110 Howitzer- Artillery tank
Weapon: Artillery cannon
Cost: 1200
Requires: Vehicle Factory + Field Ops + Motar Pit
Special: Crush trees, Squad bonus
    D7 Bulldozer- Construction vehicle
Weapon: None
Cost: 1000
Requires: Command Center
Special: Crush trees
    UH1 Huey- Utility helicopter
Weapon: M60 Doorguns
Cost: 600
Requires: Helipad
Special: Holds 5 infantry, Fast Rope
    UH1 Attack Huey
Weapon: Chainguns + Rocket pods
Cost: 700
Requires: Helipad
Special: None
    UH1 Medievac Huey
Weapon: None
Cost: 600
Requires: Helipad
Special: Holds 6 infantry, Heals infantry
    OH6 Loach - Obeservation helicopter
Weapon: None
Cost: 400
Requires: Helipad
Special: Spots hidden units, Holds 1 special infantry
    AH1 Cobra- Gunship helicopter
Weapon: M197 + Rocket Pods
Cost: 1400
Requires: Helipad + Field Ops
Special: None
    CH47 Chinook- Cargo helicopter
Weapon: None
Cost: 1000
Requires: Supply Center
Special: Carries 1 vehicle OR 8 infantry, Fast Rope
    ACH47 Attack Chinook- Heavy gunship helicopter
Weapon: M5 Grenade Launcher + MG
Cost: 1500
Requires: Helipad + Field Ops + General's Promo
Special: Rocket Pod Upgrade
    CH 54 Skycrane- Heavy transport helicopter
Weapon: None
Cost: 1000
Requires: Supply Center
Special: Carry Command Post
    A1 Skyraider- Attack plane
Weapon: Bombs
Cost: 800
Requires: Air Base
Special: Napalm Upgrade
    F4 Phantom - Tactical fighter plane
Weapon: Missiles
Cost: 1000
Requires: Air Base
Special: None
    F105 Thunderchief- Multi-role bomber
Weapon: Napalm bombs
Cost: 1400
Requires: Air Base + Field Ops + General's Promo
Special: Creates firestorm

U2-R Spy Plane
Weapon: None - Camera Only
Cost: None
Requires: Aircraft Co-ordination Center
Special: Reveals enemy locations once it leaves the map. If shot down, recover the black box before the enemy for a chance to still see their positions. If the enemy recovers the black box, your positions will be seen by him.

    Rubber Raft - Small raft
Weapon: None
Cost: 200
Special: Holds 4 infantry
    PACV3 - Hovercraft
Weapon: 2 MGs
Cost: 800
Special: Drive on land
    PCF - Swift boat
Weapon: M60 + Grenade launcher
Cost: 1000
Special: Can shoot at air units
    Tango ATC - Mobile helipad + transport ship
Weapon: None
Cost: 2000
Special: Repairs/Holds 1 helicopters, also Carries 1 vehicle
  USA - Structures
    Command Center
Cost: $2000
Requires: Nothing
Builds: Construction Dozer
Special: Garrison 8 infantry
Cost: $600
Requires: Command Center
Builds: All Infantry
Special: Heals infantry
    Guard Tower
Cost: $400
Requires: Barracks
Builds: Nothing
Special: Garrison 5 infantry, Spots hidden units
    Diesle Generators
Cost: $800
Requires: Command Center
Builds: Nothing
Special: Overcharge
    Supply Center
Cost: $2000
Requires: Power Station
Builds: CH54
Special: None
    Mortar Pit
Cost: $800
Requires: Supply Center
Builds: Nothing
Special: Camo Netting upgrade
    Vulcan Defense
Cost: $1000
Requires: Helipad
Builds: Nothing
Special: Good Against Infantry
    Vehicle Factory
Cost: $2000
Requires: Helipad
Builds: All Vehicles
Special: Repairs vehicles
Cost: $900
Requires: Supply Center
Builds: All Helicopters
Special: Repairs helicopters
    Air Base
Cost: $1000
Requires: Helipad
Builds: All Planes
Special: Holds 4 planes, Repairs planes
    Field Operations
Cost: $2500
Requires: Vehicle Factory OR Air Base
Builds: Nothing
Special: None
    Supply Drop Zone
Cost: $2500
Requires: Field Operations
Builds: Nothing
Special: Money or Troops every 2 minutes
    Aircraft Co-Ordination Center
Cost: $5000
Requires: Field Operations
Builds: Broken Arrow
Special: Allows the U2-R spy plane to fly in and reveal enemy locations.

Rockwell Ov-10 Bronco
Allows deployment of an observation plane that reveals terrain over a large area. Can be sent to anywhere on the map.


M67 Flame Tank
Allows the M67 to be built.


F105 Thunderchief- Multi-role bomber
Allows the F105 to be built.

    Marine Force Recon
Allows MFR to be trained.
    Marine Force Recon Artillery Level 2
Requires MFR
    B-52 Carpet Bomb
Requires MFR and Artillery Level 2

Marine Sniper
Allows the Sniper to be trained.


Marine Captain
Lends expiriance to surrounding soldiers

A-7 Strike

A7 Strike Level 1
Allows Airstrike of one A7 anywhere on the map.

    A7 Strike Level 2
Allows Airstrike of two A7's anywhere on the map.
    A7 Strike Level 3
Allows Airstrike of one A7's anywhere on the map.
Gunship Strike

AC-47 Level 1
Allows AC-47 Gunship to be sent anywhere on the map.

    AC-119 Level 2
Allows AC-119 Gunship to be sent anywhere on the map.
    AC-130 Level 3
Allows AC-130 Gunship to be sent anywhere on the map.
    Agent Orange
Sprayed from C-123, Agent Orange clears thick areas of jungle to allow ground units through.
    Agent Blue
Sprayed from C-123, Agent Blue clears thick areas of jungle to allow ground units through. Also destroys the enemies supplies if sprayed over the Supply Center resulting in $2,500 money loss.
    BLU-82B "Commando Vault" 2,000 lbs Bomb
Paradropped from the C-130 resulting in a large explosion.
    White Phosphorus Incendiary Bomb
A bomb containing White Phosphorus is exploded over the target as it rains down, melting through whatever it touches.
Squad of Green Berets HALO in to any location. Immune to anti-aircraft fire since parachutes open right before they hit the ground.
Super Weapon
    Broken Arrow
An emergency air strike commanding all available aircraft to drop all their ordinance on the target location. Broken Arrow is a code name used when friendly troops have been overrun in an attempt for the troops to regain the upper hand.

All Content Property of the Vietnam | Glory Obscured Team. Do not use without permission.