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Dec 17, 2006

Thanks to all of our fans who voted for us in the Mod Database awards, we have made it into the top 100. This means our mod has entered phase 2 of voting; the next 15 days of voting will decide the 2006 Mod of the Year. The top 100 mods can be found here with our mod under the Generals: Zero Hour category. And remember there are other awards given out as well, so please vote for us!

Vote in the Mod of the Year Awards

The Beta Testers have been hard at work finding bugs for us to fix; however, they did take some time to take some screen shots of their games. Below are just some of the screens they have taken. Starting clockwise from top left: Securing a village; a patrol as F4's fly overhead; village checkpoint; securing a beach head.

Keep checking back this week for a christmas surprise.




Nov 14, 2006

Second Batch of Beta Testers Announced!

The next set of testers are up for their tour of duty. They will be contacted with instructions by e-mail or PM and have until friday the 17th to respond.

Beta Team 2
prophet of the pimps

We are currently at internal beta 0.2 which implements what we call Village Logic. This allows players to occupy and control villages scattered throughout the map. Since villages will be key to game play and acquiring money once your starting supply dock goes dry, players will have to go out and secure villages. This will be major hotspots during conflicts, which brings in our morality system. Villages work as follows:

To capture a village, you must capture the Master Hut and then have $2000 worth of units within the immediate area of the village. You will be rewarded with $600 every 30 seconds for achieving this.
If your forces leave the village, money will stop being supplied to you from that village, regardless if the master hut is captured. The more villages you control and occupy, the more cash you will receive. Larger maps contain more villages.
Moral System: If you attack a whorehouse or village structure, villages will refuse to provide you with money for a length of time depending on the building ( a warning will flash up ). If an important structure is destroyed, the villagers will rebuild it eventually - so it's not the end of the world. This will encourage players to think strategically in liberating a village from another player, lest their supply of money is hindered. You will not be able to garrison village huts since the morality penalty is involved with huts being attacked. Other civilian buildings and structures you will be able to garrison and attack (without morality penalty) that are not part of the villages.




October 30, 2006

Private Testing to Begins Today, October 30th! Media Releases End Today!

Today the Beta Testers get their hands on the first internal Beta. It will be trial by fire as the Devs take on our Testers. So for our last day of media releases, we want to show off some more units in game that we have not previously released. First up we have a line of the M102 Towable artillery show in it's deployed position and firing. While artillery has a long range in the game, it's field of view is small, thus requiring a forward observer of some sort. This also holds true for the M110 mobile artillery.

Next is the B52 bomber, modeled and textured by JohnRambo before he left to work for Tripwire Interactive on the retail version of Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45. The B52 will drop a realistic number of bombs, leaving a path of destruction. The B52 can be called in by the Marine Force Recon unit. Last up is just more napalm and things burning, no more no less.

Our media event wraps up today as we begin testing. We hope everyone enjoyed our media release as we were able to show off some of our hard work. As mentioned friday, the first group of beta testers was small to make sure everything we have set up goes smoothly. If all goes well, the next batch of testers will be announced soon afterward in the following week(s). As the testing continues, more and more groups will be announced.

Those of you itching to try our mod and are interested in helping us get all the bugs out, sign up in to be a beta tester if you have not already done so. Signing up doesn't guarantee a position, but it puts you on the list we choose from. If you're not on the list, there's no way to become a beta tester. So go sign up!





October 29, 2006

Private Testing to Begin Monday, October 30th! Media Releases All Weekend!

While we begin making final preparations and last minute game tests before the beta testers grab a hold of the first beta build, we continue our media onslaught. The U2-R makes its in game appearance today. A later level ability, the U2-R can be called in from off the map to take spy photos of the area. The other screen shot is a napalm run on a village at the edge of the jungle.


Our media event is finally wrapping up before we begin testing. Check back again tomorrow, Monday 30th, for new media. As mentioned friday, the first group of beta testers was small to make sure everything we have set up goes smoothly. If all goes well, the next batch of testers will be announced soon afterward in the following week(s). As the testing continues, more and more groups will be announced.

Those of you itching to try our mod and are interested in helping us get all the bugs out, sign up in to be a beta tester if you have not already done so. Signing up doesn't guarantee a position, but it puts you on the list we choose from. If you're not on the list, there's no way to become a beta tester. So go sign up!





October 28, 2006

Private Testing to Begin Monday, October 30th! Media Releases All Weekend!


Today we are showing some redesigns not yet released. We have decided that one or two Airfields should be all the american forces would ever need. Since the USA has a strong focus in air support, we have upgraded our old airfield to include 8 planes now. The previous version held only 4 but took up twice the build space. Although extending the runway would be more true to life of a real airfield, we have kept it the same length as the one in Generals because of the space required. Playability won over realistic.

Next we have a retexturing of our M113 APC. While the old texture served its purpose, it just wasn't up to the same visual quality as the rest of the units. The retexturing was done by Lynx. The door will open and close as troops enter and exit the vehicle.


Our media event is in full swing. Keep checking back every day through Monday, 30th, for new media.

This Month in Vietnam - October 1964
China, North Vietnam's neighbor and ally, has massed troops along its border with Vietnam in response to U.S. escalation.





October 27, 2006

Beta Testers Announced! Private Testing to Begin Monday, October 30th! Media Releases All Weekend!

It's been awhile since the last update, but we have been working very hard on getting the Alpha into a Beta. Many people have signed up to play the beta in the Beta Sign Up thread on our forums. While we couldn't pick everyone to start testing immediately, we decided to start off with a small team of testers to make sure everything goes smoothly during the first week or so. Once we are sure things are working correctly, we will announce the next batch of beta testers and slowly increase testers as things move forward. So the first batch of beta testers are:

Beta Team 1
Fighting Phantom

Beta Team 1 testers will be contacted by E-mail or PM with further instructions. Testing will begin Monday, October 30th. So be sure to respond by then. Beta Team 2 will be announced soon. Keep in mind the first set of testers is small, we will gradually increase team size when the testers are announced.

But to celebrate the beginning of testing of the Pegasus Release, we will be releasing media all weekend leading up to the day of testing. Today we would like to show our custom jungle trees in game to give everyone a taste of what the maps will look like.


Check back every day through Monday, 30th, for new media.

This Month in Vietnam - October 1964
China, North Vietnam's neighbor and ally, successfully tests an atomic bomb. This test strengthens North Vietnam's resolve and makes the surrounding countries, as well as American forces in the region, uneasy.




August 27, 2006

Since last time, we allowed you to vote on what you guys wanted to see in the next update. It seems it didn't matter as long as we just gave you guys more, more, more. This week we will show off particle effects, all made by CBoidy8888. First up we have the A1 Skyraider dropping 250 lbs bombs and their resulting explosions. Next is the F105 dropping 500 lbs bombs. The F105 and A1 will also have the option of dropping napalm, an effect shown in previous updates. The M48 Patton tank has new smoke particles applied to it resulting in a more realistic firing sequence.

CBoidy8888 also created a very nice missile effect and smoke trail. AultN8R continues modeling the NVA infantry, this week we are showing the NVA Officer who will command the NVA squads.

AntiSocialKindaGuy, our resident coder, has been grinding along getting the USA side ready for the Pegasus Release. He believes we will be ready to begin private beta testing in a month. That's right, in October, we will hopefully be able to begin selecting beta testers. If you have not done so, sign up to be a Beta Tester! Be sure to read the instructions on how to apply or your application may not be selected. We will be sure to keep you all updated on when exactly this will happen, provided no major bug pops up. All selected beta testers will be contacted by e-mail and announced in the forums when it is time.

Although the USA side has been locked with the current content, the NVA and VC sides are still open to your ideas! Stop by our forums and tell us what type of features YOU would like to see in the mod. The Idea's thread is ever growing and expanding with ideas from the fans. Let your voice be heard and check it out here.

This Month in Vietnam - August 4, 1964
The captain of the U.S.S. Maddox reports that his vessel has been fired on and that an attack is imminent. Though he later says that no attack took place, six hours after the initial report, a retaliation against North Vietnam is ordered by President Johnson. American jets bomb two naval bases, and destroy a major oil facility. Two U.S. planes are downed in the attack. On August 7, 1964, the U.S. congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, giving President Johnson the power to take whatever actions he sees necessary to defend southeast Asia

Join the Team!
Want to help us get things done faster? We are still looking for Digital Painter to create images for us. An example is what Godwin painted for us. If interested in this positions, please apply and send samples of your work or site previous experience (with links if possible.)




June 29, 2006

AultN8R continues his onslaught of infantry for the NVA. He has finished the NVA Sharpshooter who has an SVD Sniper Rifle at her disposal. The team wanted to represent women soldiers who also fought for the NVA with the inclusion of a female sniper. The sniper will be stealth when not moving; she will be able to lay down to increase her firing range and accuracy; as well as crawl, which will allow her to keep her stealth ability active while moving. The Mechanic, shown on the right, has the ability to repair or rebuild vehicles in the field, essentially "healing" damaged vehicles or recovering destroyed vehicles to working order. He is armed with a TT33 side arm. Both infantry were modeled and textured by AultN8R.


More updates will be coming your way soon, until the next time, you can vote if you want to continue seeing infantry updates or see more buildings available to the NVA. Go here to cast your vote now! --voting closed--

Stop by our forums and tell us what type of features YOU would like to see in the mod. The Idea's thread is ever growing and expanding with ideas from the fans. Let your voice be heard and check it out here.

This Month in Vietnam - July 30, 1964
On this night, South Vietnamese commandos attack two small North Vietnamese islands in the Gulf of Tonkin. The U.S. destroyer Maddox, an electronic spy ship, is 123 miles south with orders to electronically simulate an air attack to draw North Vietnamese boats away from the commandos.

Join the Team!
Want to help us get things done faster? We are still looking for Digital Painter to create images for us. An example is what Godwin painted for us. We are also interested in taking on one 3D Modeler and Texture Artist. If interested in any of these positions, please apply and send samples of your work or site previous experience (with links if possible.)



June 29 , 2006

Incoming enemy mortar fire, location unknown - please advise! This week the NVA Mortar Team is called for duty. AultN8R has continued his media blitz with 3 more soldiers that make up the NVA Mo tar Team. All 3 soldiers act as one unit, having the soldier that aims the mortar, the soldier that carriers mortar rounds and loads the mortar, and finally the spotter. The mortar team is able to move to different areas and deploy where they are needed. A unit of soldiers that are mobile and able to lay down a suppressive bombardment on enemy locations will make the Mo tar Team a valuable unit to the NVA.

Coding progressively moves forward on the USA infantry. AntiSocialKindaGuy has coded a brilliantly working squad dynamic for the USA fire teams. The new squad dynamic allows for quick and easy move and attack commands for the entire fire team, and is even flexible enough to let the player micro-manage each individual soldier in the squad if they feel the need. Squads can also be tailored to different situations, such as a squad for attacking tanks or a squad for holding a location. The idea behind dynamic squads is to allow for epic battles but at the same time being able to quickly control your troops with the least amount of micro-management. More details and videos showing how squads work (and the advantages over controlling just a single unit at a time) will be shown in the coming weeks.

Stop by our forums and tell us what type of features YOU would like to see in the mod. The Idea's thread is ever growing and expanding with ideas from the fans. Let your voice be heard and check it out here.

This Month in Vietnam - June 1964
American air power in Southeast Asia is massively reinforced. Two aircraft carriers arrive off the Vietnamese coast prompted by a North Vietnamese offensive in Laos.

Join the Team!
Want to help us get things done faster? We are still looking for Digital Painter to create images for us. An example is what Godwin painted for us. If interested, please apply and send samples of your work or site previous experience (with links if possible.)

Have a Great 4th of July Weekend
-- Vietnam Team




June 14 , 2006

Reports out of Vietnam show troop movement coming from the north. AultN8R has been hard at work supplying troops to North Vietnam. Everything shown this week is his work, both models and textures. On the left is the standard NVA infantry. In the middle is the RPG Trooper, and the right shows him upgraded with the SA-7 for shooting at aircraft.

Now that school and college is out for everyone, the pace of things should pick up more. There are many little details that must be taken care of as the coding continues. AntiSocialKindaGuy is working on making sure the code for the infantry is as perfect as possible, which is good because infantry is the focus of our mod. I know it is taking awhile, but we do have 9 infantry types that have a wide range of abilities. We want to release the best mod we can so you keep coming back for more. Just hang in there, soldier, don't go AWOL on us yet.

There are a lot of things going on behind the scenes right now, which we can't talk about yet, but we will release bits and pieces in the coming weeks. The only thing I can say at this time is that what we are doing will make our mod unique and completely different from any other Generals Mod currently in development. That should be enough to keep you in the jungle for another tour of duty.

Stop by our forums and tell us what type of features YOU would like to see in the mod. The Idea's thread is ever growing and expanding with ideas from the fans. Let your voice be heard and check it out here.


Join the Team!
Want to help us get things done faster? We are still looking for Digital Painter to create images for us. An example is what Godwin painted for us. If interested, please apply and send samples of your work or site previous experience (with links if possible.)





May 25, 2006

Fresh from the Jungle, BombProofVest completes the Incinerator for the NVA. This building will power other NVA structures. ScreamingCricket has completed the NVA Bunker and Barrier. Made from stone, dirt, and wood, these structures are the equivalent to the USA barriers shown in the recent weeks. The Bunker is essentially a corner for the wall that can be garrisoned , seen below are 4 bunker segments.

Our new member, AultN8R, has begun work on the NVA infantry, so keep an eye out in the coming weeks for them. Check out our NVA list to see all the Infantry the NVA has at their disposal. Remember we will have 9 buildable infantry types per side to start with, so it should give the players a wide range of options depending on their play style.

The other recent addition to the team, Hattori, has begun working on modeling some vehicles. So we should be able to keep a stream of content flowing to you all. Coding progresses and we'll be showing off some of our special features we've come up with as soon as we can. We can't wait to share some of things we have planned.

Stop by our forums and tell us what type of features you'd like to see in the mod. The Idea's thread keeps on growing with ideas from the fans. Let your voice be heard and check it out here.


Join the Team!
Want to help us get things done faster? We are looking for Digital Painter to create images for us. An example is what Godwin painted for us. If interested, please apply and send samples of your work or site previous experience (with links if possible.)




May 11, 2006

Revora is changing all CNC mods to be hosted under Our new site address is
Please Update Your Bookmarks

As promised, more USA barriers this week. The Sandbag Bunker will line up nicely with Sandbag Wall (shown in the last news update) and act as a corner to the wall. The bunker will be able to hold infantry as well. The Sandbag Bunker was modeled and textured by ScreamingCricket. Mapping continues as well, below is a shot from Nuka5's new map "Dong Hoi Costal." Dong Hoi Coastal is a realistically large cove with many routes into each base. Expect artillery and aircraft to play a pivotal role, plus beach assaults!


Work has started on the NVA buildings; expect to see some in the near future, as well as barriers for the NVA. As usual, coding is coming along and we can't wait to show everyone the results of what we're doing. So hang tight.

We've also had 2 modelers join the team, so some you all should start seeing a steady increase of more stuff soon. As always, stop by our forums and tell us what type of features you'd like to see in the mod. The thread seems to have gotten pretty popular, check it out here.


Join the Team!
Want to help us get things done faster? We are looking for Digital Painter to create images for us. An example is what Godwin painted for us. If interested, please apply and send samples of your work or site previous experience (with links if possible.)

Also, if a Programmer familiar and fluent with either Visual Basic 6, Java, or ActionScript (for Flash) would be interested in helping us out on a project, let us know. Knowing how to use alpha channels in these programs is a must. If you are interested, please let us know.




April 27, 2006

Revora is changing all CNC mods to be hosted under Our new site address is
Please Update Your Bookmarks
Much has been going on behind the scenes this past month and we'd like to share just some of what's been going on. BombProofVest has turned out another amazing model and texture of the PT76 Amphibious Tank used by the NVA. He has done some excellent texture work on this tank and as you can see, it turned out very nice. We've also been creating some barriers for both sides. The USA will get the sandbags shown below, model and texture by ScreamingCricket. There are more barrier objects that will be shown soon.


Progress on the mapping side has been proceeding along as well. ScreamingCricket has been working on an epic 8 player map that will also allow for naval warfare. Dense jungle will bleed into dense, dusty city streets. Rivers sprawl throughout the map and through the large city along the middle of the map. Below are some screens of the map in progress, but we wanted to let you all know we still are working at a steady pace.


Join the Team!
Want to help us get things done faster? We are looking for Digital Painter to create images for us. An example is what Godwin painted for us. If interested, please apply and send samples of your work or site previous experience (with links if possible.)




March 31, 2006

Work steadily moves forward on the mod, and we have some things to show off. First of all, BombProofVest has completed the towable ZPU4 Anti-Aircraft gun and it looks amazing as usual. It will require men to operate the guns once it's deployed, but take out the gun crew and it's yours to tow away. Nuka5 has been creating some great maps; the two screen shots below are of his four player map "Outposts." This one should turn out to be an excellent jungle warfare map.

ScreamingCricket has also been hard at work creating a 6-player map called "Jungle Delta." This map was also built with some naval warfare in mind, and includes some wide beaches to assault, as well as some local towns and villages to take over. Below are some shots of the map. It's still being worked on, but is shaping up nicely.

For those of you that are unaware, we have started adding cameos to the NVA section. Feel free to check those out and let us know what you think. AntiSocialKindaGuy continues to sift through code as he tries to make sense of all that has been done by the coders that came before him. In many cases he has had to rewrite a lot of things to get rid of bugs or make the code more proficient. I know many of you cannot wait and some have even grown inpatient to the extreme. Just hang in there, it may take a little longer than planned to get to first release, but we want to have a solid mod free of as many bugs as possible. The Pegasus Release will happen.

In the mean time, NVA models are being completed at a steady rate, and things are being finalized for the Hydra Release. Planning for the Medusa Release has also started, and we will be releasing details on what to expect for that in the next few weeks. So as you can see, a lot of things are being done at a steady rate.

Join the Team!
Want to help us get things done faster? We are still interested in taking on a modeler and/or texture artist. If interested, please apply and send samples of your work or site previous experience (with links if possible.)



March 9, 2006

Modification News :
We have some new units to show this week. As our new coder begins to organize the code and fix bugs, the modelers have been busy starting up on the NVA. But as a last minute addition to the USA, the U2-R will be available to spy on your enemy. The U2-R will fly onto the map and circle it a few a times then leave with its intel of pictures. Once it leaves the map, all enemy positions will be revealed. But the U2-R can be shot down, and if done, then it's a race to recover the black box before the enemy does with a chance of still seeing enemy positions. If the enemy recovers it first, your positions will be revealed! ScreamingCricket modeled and textured the U2-R.


BombProofVest has dived back into modeling and texturing the NVA vehicles. He recently completed the T-62 tank for the NVA. We will now be able to start focusing on getting models done for the NVA as coding for the USA gets done.

Nuka5 has joined our team as a full time mapper, he has already starting creating a fantastic looking map. We'll be sure to release some screenshots of it once it is finalized.

We are still interested in taking on a modeler and/or texture artist as well. If interested, please apply and send samples of your work or site previous experience (with links if possible.) We are looking to fill some slots for Beta Testing soon on V|GO. For more info on how to be a Beta Tester, please go here.

Other News :
A few of the V|GO team work on the Retail version of Red Orchestra, which will be released this Tuesday and is now available for preorder on Steam. The boxed version should also start appearing in stores next Tuesday as well. We are very excited and can't wait face you guys on the battlefield. See you on the Eastern Front!

Below are some in game screen shots from Red Orchestra so you can see the level of detail the Tripwire Team has put into this game. You can also check out the trailer for it here. V|GO members that work on Red Orchestra are: ScreamingCricket, BombProofVest, and JohnRambo.





Feb 23 , 2006

Modification News :
Some fans requested some screen shots of the choppers in action. The first one shows some of the chopper gunships, the UH-1 and the Cobra. The second screen shot is transport UH-1waiting for troops to load up - the infantry icons are showing a hoard bonus and not final.


The last screenshot we are showing this week is of the AC-130 Gunship. BombProofVest has created a Field Hospital which will function much like our Urban Hospital, only look appropriate for jungle settings.


We'd like to thank everyone who answered our call and applied for the Primary Coder position, AntiSocialKindaGuy from The Great Trench War mod got the job and has joined our team. We can now continue our progress on getting a public beta ready. We are still interested in taking on a modeler and/or texture artist as well. If interested, please apply and send samples of your work or site previous experience (with links if possible.)

Other News :
A few of the V|GO team work on the Retail version of Red Orchestra, which is now available for preorder on Steam. The boxed version will be in stores this March.

We are looking to fill some slots for Beta Testing soon. For more info on how to be a Beta Tester, please go here.





Feb 10 , 2006

Modification News :
A small update this week, but we want to show we are still working steadily. ScreamingCricket and BombProofVest have created some more menu art. ScreamingCricket created a skirmish icon displaying for the main menu, he also created the main menu art. BombProofVest created the last load screen featuring the M79 Grenade soldier.

SouthSideDiablo joins the team to take over Public Relations for the mod, this should give ScreamingCricket more time to work on more stuff for the mod and spend less time worrying about sending out news and advertising. So be sure to welcome him on board.

We are in desperate need of a Primary Coder, the mod cannot continue until we find one. We prefer an experience INI coder who has previously worked/working on a mod. We need someone who is reliable and has time to commit to helping us finish this mod. We are still interested in taking on a modeler and/or texture artist as well. If interested, please apply and send samples of your work or site previous experience (with links if possible.)

Other News :
A few of the V|GO team work on the Retail version of Red Orchestra, more in game screenshots have been posted. GameInformer magazine did an interview with Tripwire's President about how it was just a mod that moved to retail game. It is an interesting read and gives some great mods hope to actually becoming a retail game. One particularly interesting topic near the end of the interview was how Tripwire got a hold of Soviet Military Documents that has never been seen outside the former Soviet Union. Look for Red Orchestra to hit stores in March.

We are looking to fill some slots for Beta Testing soon. For more info on how to be a Beta Tester, please go here.




Jan 27 , 2006

Modification News :
has created a loading screen for us, pictures surrounding a map of Vietnam, overlaid by flags from each side. ScreamingCricket has made the last building Cameo, which is the USA Supply Center. CBoidy8888 has been busy creating some fabulous particle effects for us. An example of some of the things he has done are below. First off is a nice no-lag fog effect, which will pretty amazing when we get our custom jungle trees into the game.

CBoidy8888 has also created a realistic M48 Patton muzzle blast and smoke effect, an artillery explosion, as well as worked on how we will be representing Agent Orange and Blue. The last picture is the C-123 (modeled by BombProofVest) spraying Agent Blue. Although in real life, it is white in color, for the sake of easy recognition as to what type of Agent is being sprayed, we have tinted the spray and mist a blue hue and an orange hue for Agent Orange. This should give you a taste of some of the neat stuff CBoidy8888 has completed for us so far.

Aside from looking for a good mapper, we are also looking to take on another modeler and/or texture artist since modeling for the NVA side will be starting back up shortly. If interested, please apply and send pictures of your work.

Website News :
Added some more Cameos to the USA section, such as the Supply Center, Artillery lvl 2, Carpet Bombing, and HALO Jump.

Other News :
A few of the V|GO team work on the Retail version of Red Orchestra, which has been picked up by a publisher. Expect to see the boxed version in stores this March. Also, RO will be released on Steam as well. Comment on RO news.
We are looking to fill some slots for Beta Testing soon. For more info on how to be a Beta Tester, please go here.



Jan 20 , 2006

Modification News :
continues coding, getting all the current bugs out of the USA side. Since all the units are finished for the USA, work now turns to the menu art. We are showing some of the graphic work ScreamingCricket has done so far. The two shown are loading screens. We also wanted to show what an artillery barrage on infantry will look like, they do blow apart into bloody chunks. The Marine Force Recon soldier has the ability to radio in artillery support.

We also have some more screen shots to show to help tide you over. The first shows two M110 howitzers and a M48 Patton tank.. The second are a group of M60 gunners, two are deployed in front of a village, the last shows a group of M113 crossing a stream, accompanied by MUTTs.

We'll have some more graphics and menu art to show soon. Also CBoidy8888 joins the team to do particle effects for us, he does some fantastic looking stuff; expect to see some neat things from him soon.

Aside from looking for a good mapper, we are also looking to take on another modeler and/or texture artist since modeling for the NVA side will be starting back up shortly. If interested, please apply and send pictures of your work.

Website News :
Added some sections to the gallery area, such as screen shots and USA renders.

Other News :
We are looking to fill some slots for Beta Testing soon. For more info on how to be a Beta Tester, please go here.



Jan 5 , 2006

Modification News :
has finished texturing the Tango ATC he modeled. The Tango will serve as Mobile Helipad able to service and hold one of the smaller helicopters , such as the Huey, Cobra, or Little Bird. The Tango is the last USA unit to be textured, all that remains is for the USA is coding. It can also hold one ground vehicle below deck, allowing for an amphibious assault . ScreamingCricket has continued work on the USA command bar, there is still some tweaking to be done, but it is essentially finished.


We also would like to release some screen shots since most of the work going on now is coding. The first is the M110 Howitzer Artillery in the undeployed and deployed state, note the giant shovel it shoves into the ground to keep from flipping over when it fires. The middle shot shows the OV-10 Bronco circling the target area. And the last screen shot on the right shows part of the USA base, the A-1 Skyraider has just dropped its 500 lbs bomb. The A-1 can be upgraded to drop napalm bombs as well.

Work continues on coding and getting the rest of the units into the game such as the naval units. Graphics for the menu and interface has also begun, the splash image for when the game loads up is opened to submission by fans. The ones that are picked will be able to help test the beta.

We are still wanting to take on a skilled Mapper that can make EA quality maps, so if you have the skills and the time, Apply and send your best map or pictures of your best map for review.

Website News :
is now our Partner! Staff and resources are now shared between V|GO, ROTR, and Shockwave. More info on Partner Mods. The website should be more Firefox friendly, almost everything should align properly.
CnC Active News site has been added as an affiliate.
CnC Reloaded: V|GO Fan Site has been added as an affiliate. Flattering, a fan site.

Other News :
We are looking to fill some slots for Beta Testing soon. In the mean time, these precious openings will have to be earned. For more info on how to be a Beta Tester, please go here.



Dec 16, 2005

I'm sure everyone has been busy this holiday season, if it be finals or, in my case, trying to fight your way through all the Wal-mart Christmas shoppers to just get some weather striping to stop the cold from coming in the front door. Progress has been steady on the mod as we try to find that extra time to get stuff done. We here on the Vietnam Staff would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas.



Modification News :
We have some renders to show as we progress with the jungle plant life. As mentioned last week, former staff member b591 has been able to return for the holidays and has been helping ScreamingCricket finish off the plants. b591 has recently completed a pineapple plant and a water tree, ScreamingCricket has modeled the marsh grass. We also would like to show some of the NVA units in the game as well, rigged and coded by Grazor. Some scale tweaking is still needed, but will be done at a later time when we focus on the Hydra launch.

We are still wanting to take on a good Mapper, so if you have the skills and the time, Apply and send your best map for review.

Website News :
A few minor things have been fixed, so all the pages should align properly now.
We are also getting the new gallery in order, so keep watch for that.
Red Alert 3 Forums has been added as an affiliate, it's a nice looking site about all things RA3.
Vote for us in the Mod Database awards!

Other News :
We are looking to fill some slots for Beta Testing soon. In the mean time, these precious openings will have to be earned. For more info on how to be a Beta Tester, please go here.



Dec 03, 2005

Vietnam | Glory Obscured Apparel is available in the Revora Store. All profit from sales goes to helping maintain and support the Server and Forums that is the Revora Community. This helps keep hosting free for all mods on the Revora Server.

Right now there are a few items sporting the Pegasus Launch Logo such as Shirts for male and female, a Wall Clock as well as the Napalm Explosion Coffee Mug. Just think how cool you will look. Get yours now!

Other Vietnam | Glory Obscured apparel may be available in the furture.

Website News :
For the month of November, you have made Vietnam | Glory Obscured the second most visited website that is hosted on Revora. Thanks for all your continued interest and support in our project. We hope to return all the appreciation by getting a playable Beta out to you all as soon as possible. Stay tuned for the next month or so, for we will be releasing details on how to become a Beta Tester before the mod is released to the public. The positions will be limited, so watch our website and forums for the announcement.

The USA section has been updated with General's Powers, more powers will be added at a later time. Also the Cameo Icons have been updated and added in the USA section as well. Shockwave Mod has been added as an affiliate.

Modification News :
Garrick from An Act of War mod, joins us as a coder, filling the final coding position. We hope with his help, we can quickly get a quality Beta that we can release soon. Also a former member, b591, returns to us for the holidays to help ScreamingCricket finish off all the jungle plants. His help is much appreciated and we are glad to have him back, if only for a little while. b591 has modeled many of the USA units such as the Dozer and the AC-47 Gunship.

We are also wanting to take on a good Mapper, so if you have the skills and the time, Apply and send your best map for review.

Other News :
Those of you who have watched the forums already know that ScreamingCricket, BombProofVest, and former member JohnRambo work for Tripwire Interactive. Tripwire will be releasing Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 soon, which the 3 of us have poured our lives into to make it as great as we can make it. Check out our review in PCGamer UK magazine this month, and the PCGamer US mag in January. Then buy the game when it comes out for PC, trust us, this game rocks!



Nov 14, 2005

Mod Turns 1, Name Change, and Special Wallpaper Painted by Godwin.

Today the mod turns 1 year old, and to celebrate, we have released content all weekend as well as released more details on the coding progression leading up to today. I'm sure you all have been waiting to see what our special surprise is we have been talking about in the news announcements.

First of all, the most notable thing is the website redesign. We wanted a cleaner, sleeker looking site. Second, we have decided to change the name of the mod from "Vietnam Reborn" to "Vietnam | Glory Obscured." The reason for this is simple, too many mods with the name Reborn tagged onto them and "Glory Obscured" seems to fit better with the war we are representing, since America didn't welcome the soldiers back as heroes, but treated them badly, very different from how soldiers were welcomed back after World War 2. And as the Veteran's Day weekend comes to a close here in the USA, it seems only right that our 1 year birthday falls on the end of this past weekend.

And the final thing we have to show everyone is a special Wallpaper Godwin has painted just for our weekend celebration. Most of you have probably seen many of the professional style digital paintings Godwin has released to the CnC community over the past months. We are very privileged to have Godwin paint one for us in honor of our 1 year being a mod. You can check out more of Godwin's work at his website.

We would like to thank everyone who has had an intrest in this mod and supported us over the past year, as well as the Rise of the Reds team who have helped out and done things to help get this mod closer to completion.

So take a look around our new website and check out the downloads section for more information on how we will be releasing the mod. The first beta is very close, and when we know an attainable release date, we will be sure to let everyone know.



Nov 13, 2005

BombProofVest has finished the Mobile Command Post for the USA, the MCP is carried by the CH-54 Skycrane and can be placed anywhere. These "pods" were also used as maintenance and repair shops as well as Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals (MASH.) b591 started the D30 Artillery before he had to leave the team due to his job, but ScreamingCricket has finished it off. The D30 is a towable long range artillery used by the NVA.

Mobile Command Post

D30 Artillery

Grazor, from our partner mod Rise of the Reds, has let me know he has gotten the NVA side to a playable state, so a rough version of the NVA may be included with the public beta. More details about when the mod will be released will be announced soon.

Monday the mod will be 1 year old. Check back on monday because we have something special planned for everyone.

Again, we are still open to taking on Modelers and Texturers to join the team. We also would like one more coder as well. Please apply for a position. The sooner we get a coder, the faster we will be able to work out all the bugs and get this mod out to the public to enjoy!


Countdown Continues - 1 Year Celebration on Monday!
11/12/05, 11:55 AM (EST)

ScreamingCricket has finished off the PBF M2 for the USA and BombProofVest has modeled the Tango ATC, a mobile helipad and transport for the USA.


Tango ATC

Grazor, from our partner mod Rise of the Reds, has started coding and laying out the basic framework for the NVA side; so once we have released the USA side, we can follow up in a timely manner by releasing the NVA side. Details on what will be included with each release will be announced soon. Many thanks to Grazor for helping out till we get another coder.

Monday the mod will be 1 year old. We will be releasing content all weekend leading up to the one year celebration on Monday in which we have something special in store for everyone. The team has been working extra hard to get everything ready, so be sure to check back each day this weekend.

Again, we are still open to taking on Modelers and Texturers to join the team. We also would like one more coder as well. Please apply for a position. We need good people to help us make this mod a success, becuase Pegasus is coming...



Foliage Update - 1 Year Celebration on Monday!
11/11/05, 1:08PM (EST)

ScreamingCricket has begun work on modeling the foliage of the jungle. Below are just some of what he has completed.

Banana Trees

Jungle Tree

Jungle Tree Grouping

Monday the mod will be 1 year old. We will be releasing content all weekend leading up to the one year celebration on Monday in which we have something special in store for everyone. The team has been working extra hard to get everything ready, so be sure to check back each day this weekend.

We are still open to taking on Modelers and Texturers to join the team.

Keksoff has joined us as a coder, but we would still like one more.

Please, if you, or someone you know, has coding experience with the Generals engine, please apply for a position. You will need to be dedicated and able to fix bugs that are found in the mod and as well as getting builds ready for everyone to download. We are close to beta and would like to get the beta out to the public by the end of the year.

If interested, please go here. Or post on our forums.




New Napalm Effect and a Boat Yard to boot!
9/29/05, 6:43P (PT)

The Vietnam Reborn team is proud to present to you, the new, realistic, Offical Vietnam Reborn Napalm Effect™! This new particle effect was created by Rise of the Red's (our partner mod) Grazor. Let's give him a big round of appalause! Next up, SC has modeled and textured the Boat yard. The boat yard will be a neutral structure and when captured will offer side specific naval units to be built.

VRB Napalm Effect™

Boat yard - Textured

We are in desperate need of a coder!

Please, if you, or someone you know, has coding experience with the Generals engine, please, please, please apply for a position. You will need to be dedicated and able to fix bugs that are found in the mod and other coder-ly things. We are close to beta and we can't progress any further unless we have a coder.
If interested, please go here.

Two more members have left the Vietnam Reborn Team. JakeyDude666, our lead coder, has decided to leave the team and catch up on his life. He has been a tremendous help in getting the mod to where it is today. Our old friend, b591, has been working for us as a modeler off and on, but now has a job that requires his full attention. Jakey and b591 will be missed. VRB salutes you.

ScreamingCricket has written a tutorial on how to Fake Global Illumination for Games. When creating an object to be imported into games, you are usally limited to the light supplied by game level itself. Often this is simple light casting simple shadows so the game can run in real time. In real life, light is reflected or bounced off of surfaces onto other surfaces. This tutorial shows how to fake the way light works in real life. See for yourself.

We are now affiliates with An Act of War.



New Infantry and Hospital Textured
8/29/05, 6:42P (PT)

ScreamingCricket has modeled and textured several of the new infantry for the USA side. The peace loving Grenadier, the silent but deadly Marine Sniper, and the over worked Medic. We are also showing off our urban hospital modeled and textured by BombProofVest. Now lets get out and save/kill some people!

USA M79 Grenadier- Textured

USA Marine Sniper- Textured

USA Medic - Textured

Urban Hospital - Textured  

We now a favorites icon! If the Vietnam Reborn website is saved under your favorites, you can see our logo next to it. So be sure to add us to your favorites!

We are looking for a foliage modeler. They will need to model jungle canopies and growth. This modeler would create many jungle trees and bushes, fields of grass, etc., and later move onto buildings and huts.
If interested, please go here.

Two members have left the Vietnam Reborn Team. JohnRambo who has made several very good NVA units for us, now has a real life job that his modeling and texture efforts must go towards. ThinWhiteDutchess who textured has also taken leave due to her busy life. Thanks JohnRambo and ThinWhiteDutchess and good luck!

But even as members leave, new ones join. THELAW will be a Web Coder helping make the site a little better and more useful. THELAW is now also our 3rd active member from Michigan. Welcome!



Navy and New Members
7/9/05, 11:55P (PT)

Tam has busied herself over the last month by modeling and texturing the NVA's Type 85 ARV construction vehicle and the USA Rubber Raft, which will be able to carry 4 troops down the river. ScreamingCricket has also textured the PACV3. Lookin' good!

USA PACV 3 - Textured

USA Rubber Raft- Textured

NVA Type 85 ARV - Textured

The USA unit list has been updated with new infantry and naval units. Have a looksee.

We are in need of a good coder able to focus his/her time on the mod. You will need experience coding in the Generals engine and be able to do advanced things with the code.
We are also looking for a foliage modeler. They will need to model jungle canopies and growth. This modeler would create many jungle trees and bushes, fields of grass, etc., and later move onto buildings and huts.
If interested in either position, please go here.

Two new members have joined the Vietnam Reborn family. Please welcome 3p!demiC and Alphaton. 3p!demiC will be a voice actor and doing some USA unit voices and Alphaton will be a graphics artist and help create some cameos and work on the command bar.



Models and Other Mod Features
6/11/05, 4:49P (PT)

ScreamingCricket has textured the NVA's APC and also modeled a USA hovercraft. The PACV 3 will be able to transverse water and land and be armed with 2 MGs.


USA PACV 3 Hovercraft

To show that we are making progress, not only in models and textures, but in other aspects of the mod, we have two unique features to show off. First is the mod laucher, no more uninstalling the mod just to play vanilla Zero Hour. Now you have a quick and easy choice, and link to the site to boot!

Decisions, decisions...

Second is the exploding infantry effect. If an infantry steps on an explosive, they will blow into large chunks: arms, legs, torso, head, etc.


We are in need of a good graphics artist. They will need to do cameos for units and upgrades, as well as other assignments.
We are also looking for a foliage modeler. They will need to model jungle canopies and growth. This modeler would create many jungle trees and bushes, fields of grass, etc., and later move onto buildings and huts.
If interested in either position, please go here.

Our long time member, Genie, has resigned his post. We are sad to have him leave, especially since he was the oldest member of the team. Good luck, Genie!



New NVA Models and Quick Interview
5/15/05, 7:22P (PT)

Tam has completed her first model and texture, the NVA MI4! The MI4 will be NVA's only helicopter and serve as a transport or can be upgraded to serve as an attack chopper. ScreamingCricket has modeled the NVA MiG 21 fighter jet and BTR60 APC, and b591 has modeled the ZSU 57 AA Tank. I think you'll agree when I say, all of these look very promising.

NVA MI4 Hound

NVA MiG 21



ScreamingCricket did a quick interview with CnC Files and also gave them a few screenshots of two maps he has completed.

We are in need of a good graphics artist. They will need to do the USA command bar.
We are also looking for a foliage modeler. They will need to model jungle canopies and growth. This modeler would create many jungle trees and bushes, fields of grass, etc., and later move onto buildings and huts.
If interested in either position, please go here.

Because of an injury and that thing called life, ApacheJoe has left the team. We are sad to see him go and hope gets better.



NVA Textures and More New Members
4/27/05, 3:48P (PT)

We've got a nice update for you all today. ScreamingCricket has modeled and textured the NVA Ural, which will serve a variety of functions, including supply gatherer, troop transport, and mobile artillery. The T34, NVA light tank, has been done by BombProofVest and is lookin' good. Keep up the great work guys!

NVA Ural Transport


NVA Radar Jammer


Once again, we have new members aboard. Alphaton we be a part-time graphics artist and will help out with some of the cameos. Tam will be a modeler and texture artist and she is currently working on the MI4 NVA helicopter.

The USA unit list has more new unit cameos. Check them out!

We are in need of a good graphics artist. They will need to do the USA command bar. If interested, please go here.

Also, the join page is now a working form, so those intersted in joining the team just have to fill out a simple form which will be sent directly to the team. See for yourself, but please don't fill it out unless your serious about joining.



New Textured Units
1/23/05, 9:19P (PT)

We have several more units completed to show off to you. The M113 has been textured by Thin_White_Dutchess, the Cobra was modeled by the Rise of the Reds team and textured by ScreamingCricket, the OV10 was textured by BombProofVest, and b591 did the F105.

USA M113 APC - Textured

USA AH1 Cobra - Textured

USA OV10 Bronco - Textured

USA F105

Also, we are pleased to annouce that we now have an internal alpha of the mod. The alpha is available for the mod team only.

VivaDeath is no longer part of the team due to his own time restraints. We are sad to see him go and he has allowed us to keep the work he has created for us.



Textures, and Renders, and Members! Oh my!
1/15/05, 12:17A (PT)

Wow! We have a ton of stuff for you guys today. ScreamingCricket has been working harder than ever and has textured the A7, M67, and M48 and modeled the OH6 and A7! b591 modeled the M48 and M67, while our newest member BombProofVest has modeled the OV10 for us. We are also overjoyed to annouce our first ingame screenshot.

USA A7 Corsair - Textured

USA M48 Patton - Textured

USA M67 Flame Tank- Textured

USA OH6 Loach 

USA OV10 Bronco

Four USA buildings 

We would like to annouce that we have formed a partnership with Rise of the Reds, another C&C Generals modification. SC will help them out with texturing and they will help us with coding. As you can see, they have already helped us out by putting 4 buildings ingame.


Lots of Changes
1/9/05, 8:54P (PT)

There are quite a few new changes happening to the mod in the new year.

First, we have offically moved off of PlanetCNC. Their hosting was good when we were starting out, but now we have grown beyond it and must move on.

Our forums have moved over to Revora. The old forums were closed because the site manager decided to shut it down to personal reasons. Hopefully, this will work out better because of the large fanbase and helpful modders.

Genie has decided to forfeit his position as texture artist and become a mapper.

VivaDeath has made a new wallpaper, this time with the A1 Skyraider. Check it out in the downloads section:

We have now added a comment section to the news. This will appear at the bottom of the news from now on and will link to a post in the forums of the news, where you can tell us what you think.



Happy Holidays! New Renders and Member
12/21/04, 10:41P (PT)

ScreamingCricket has modeled and textured the Chinook and Attack Chinook, while B591 has modeled the M48 Tank and Dozer:

USA CH47 Chinook - Textured

USA ACH47 Chinook Gunship- Textured

USA M67 Flame Tank

USA D7 Bulldozer

We have a new member! Please welcome Thin_White_Dutchess to the team! She will be helping out Cricket with the texturing, starting with the M113 APC

We have moved to our new address at: So, save it to your favorites!

And with that, I conclude with a holiday huey. See you next year!


New Renders and Site
12/12/04, 9:54P (PT)

Our modellers have been hard at work. Cricket modeled and textured the A1 and our newest member B591 has finished the M113.

USA A1 Skyraider - Textured


We have moved to our new address at: So, save it to your favorites!


Huey Update!
12/8/04, 4:24P (PT)

Cricket has just finished modeling and texturing all 3 UH1 Huey variations and they look fabulous! Commence drooling:

USA Huey Transport

USA Huey Gunship

USA Huey Medievac

We have a new member today, B591. He comes to us all the way from Poland! He will be modeling, starting with the M113. We welcome him to the team.

This weekend we are going to be moving the website to our new host at (not yet active). When we move we will have a link at this site linking to our new one, until people know the new address.

ScreamingCricket has also created two new wallpapers. Check them out in the downloads section. He made a tutorial on how he made the napalm explosion in the background.

F4 Phantom Wallpaper

F4 Phantom Wireframe Wallpaper

We need more people to register in the forums. Remember, you also help this mod grow and become better. So show your support and sign up today!


New Renders and Updated Unit List
12/5/04, 11:31P (PT)

ScreamingCricket has out-done himself again! He's modeled the MUTT and modeled and textured the F4 Phantom!! See for yourself:

USA F4 Phantom- Textured


The USA unit list has been updated, changed, and revamped with prices and new units. This list is most likely the final list until testing begins. See it here.

We are in desperate need of a modeler! If you think you can help us out, please go here!


New Render and Forums
11/23/04, 11:35P (PT)

ScreamingCricket finished the USA Vulcan Anti-Air Defense chain gun and it's a beauty! Check it out:

USA Vulcan AA Defense

We are beginning to move our website to another host. We have started this transition by getting new forums there. So drop by, say hello, and let us know what you think!


More New Members
11/20/04, 2:12A (PT)

We have two new members on the team today. First is TankBuster who will be doing Coding and Mapping for us. Hopefully, this will take some of the load off of ScreamingCricket. Also joining us is VivaDeath, who will be our Graphics Artist. He hasn't wasted any time getting started and has already made a wallpaper for us! You can see it here and get it in the downloads section. Enjoy!


A New Beginning
11/14/04, 1:31A (PT)

PCGamerMofo, Founder and Leader of the Vietnam Reborn Mod, has decided to take his leave and step down as leader, due to personal reasons. Although this may surprise some, he has been talking it over with the Mod team for some time, only now have we decided to make it public.
ScreamingCricket and Agent_Smith will now be in charge of the mod.
We regret to see him leave, but we may see his presence on the forums.

On the lighter side, ScreamingCricket has made a wallpaper for you all to enjoy. Check it out in the downloads section.

Also, we have a new links section where you see all our affilates and link to us.

We are in need of the following:
    - Modeler
    - Coder
    - Graphic Artist
    - Texture Artist
If you think you can help contact go to the join section and fill out the info.

The site has a new look! Thanks to ScreamingCricket for designing it and Agent_Smith for putting it together.


Big Texture Update
11/13/04, 1:49A (PT)

Bunch of new textured renders up today. Cricket finished skinning all of the USA buildings and they look great! Here they are:

USA Generator - Textured

USA Barracks - Textured

USA Vehicle Factory- Textured

USA Field Operations - Textured 

Please welcome our newest member, Mastermind. We are very fourtunate to have him on the team and look forward to great progress. He is very talented and will be helping us with modeling, coding, rigging, making installation wizards, and model optimization.


USA Command Center Textured
10/25/04, 9:27P (PT)

ScreamingCricket is doing some amazing work! He finished skinning the USA Command Center. Here it is.

Great news! The forums are back up again, so go there and post, post, post!


USA Guard Tower Textured
10/13/04, 1:48P (PT)

ScreamingCricket finished skinning the USA Guard Tower. It looks awesome! Here it is.

Also, some of you may beaware that the forums are working. This is because Gamespy is relocating its dynamic server and they should be up again by the end of the week.

Blackbird has left the team for personal reasons. He has retracted all his work.


Few More New Renders for the Masses!
10/9/04, 11:10A (PT)

Cricket has posted up his new USA Airbase and Radar Site renders, each one looking very good. And Blackbird has finished skinning the M113 APC.

USA Airbase - Textured

M113 APC - Textured

USA Radar Site - Textured

We also need more people to sign up in the forums! Not many people have joined yet. We would really apprecite it if you showed your support. Thanks!


Renders, Unit List, Art, And More!
10/2/04, 10:13P (PT)

More renders for all. Cricket finished skinning the Supply Center and it looks awesome. Our new member Blackbird made this M113 model. Keep up the good work guys! Take a look:

USA Supply Center - Textured

M113 APC

The NVA unit list has finally been completed. See it here.

We need help! Please! If you think you can help us out, please go here!

Some Concept Art also done by Blackbird has been added to the Gallery page. Check it out.

Also, our counter has reached 5000 visitors!


Huge Amount Of Renders
9/26/04, 12:14P (PT)

I have a huge update. Cricket got done with skinning a few buidlings already and has some more modelled. They look FANATASTIC! I updated the Gallery page accordingly also. Here they are :

USA Firebase - Textured

USA Supply Center

USA Helipad - Textured

USA Supply Drop Zone - Textured

You should notice that the Gallery page has been optimized and now loads much faster.


New Forums Are Working!
9/17/04, 8:38P (PT)

Woohoo! I just got the new forums up and running. They are extremely fast now, since there on the Dynamic server. Our last forums no one registered but the mod team. So how about you, the fans, register, and talk with us! You can go check the new forums out here. Enjoy :)
Also, the skin on the forums is temporary until I find someone who can make us a more "Vietnam-ish" skin.


USA Radar Site Render
9/16/04, 2:18P (PT)

ScreamingCricket just got done with the USA Radar Site. Here is a render of it.


Updated USA Airfield Render
9/15/04, 1:52P (PT)

Here is the updated USA Airfield. We use to have only 2 hangars on it, but ScreamingCricket made it 4. So you guys won't have to make as many airfields. Plus, aircraft are important! More to come soon!


Barracks Render And Archives
9/14/04, 9:20P (PT)

ScreamingCricket just got finished with the new USA Barracks. His models are extremely well done, as they should be, 3d Modelling is his career!

Also, I made a News Archives link. This will take off some of the clutter on this news page.

Some of you may noticed the PlanetCNC full page ad pages appearing on the side bars or on the top frame. I cannot change this. So just refresh until it works. And the Dynamic Server is going to be fixed in the next day or two, so keep checking back here for more news!


New Affilate And Join Page
9/13/04, 5:17P (PT)

We got a new affilate today, Planet Earth, its a good looking mod thats in progress for Zero Hour.

Agent_Smith just got the Join The Team page made. So if you want to join the mod, which we need anyone and everyone we can get, just fill out that form!

Also, we our getting new forums made on a new dynamic server that I requested from Gamespy. It will be much much better, unlike our current forums that are extremely slow and have alot of errors. The dynamic server is having problems currently though, so but I will report back when it is fixed.


Two New Renders!
9/10/04, 8:54P (PT)

We have 2 new renders for you today, the USA Command Center and USA Strategy Center.

USA Command Center

USA Strategy Center


New Render And Gallery Update
9/11/04, 11:09A (PT)

ScreamingCricket just got finished with the new USA Vehicle Factory. The repair pad is in the middle, and vehicle production on the left.

Also, the Gallery has been updated with the new renders that have been posted lately.


New Render And Unit List
9/4/04, 6:37P (PT)

More great news today. Here is a render of the Power Station. It will be the power source for the USA.

Also, we have begun finalising the unit/building list for the mod. USA is already done, and expect NVA and VC to be finalised ASAP. Read the USA list here.


Another New Render
9/1/04, 2:35P (PT)

Yet even more new renders! Here is the new Firebase for the USA.

USA Firebase


Bunch Of New Renders Up
8/31/04, 9:43P (PT)

We have a bunch of new building renders up that ScreamingCricket has made. Here they are:

USA Airfield
USA Airfield

USA Guard Tower
USA Helipad
USA Helipad
USA Supply Drop
USA Supply DZ



New Member ScreamingCricket!
8/27/04, 10:55P (PT)

We have a new modeler on the team, his name is ScreamingCricket. He will be starting on modeling all the buildings in the mod. Give him a good welcome!


Vietnam Reborn Website Goes Live!
8/26/04, 08:17P (PT)

The website is up today so enjoy!

The website is still under construction and some of the links don't work yet, but I will get those working ASAP.

All Content Property of the Vietnam | Glory Obscured Team. Do not use without permission.